An Introduction


movie camera

For as long as I can remember I have loved movies.  They have always been an important if not integral part of who I am.  My earliest family memories almost always include us gathering around the TV in the living room to sit down and watch a movie.  From Disney childhood favorites like Aladdin or The Lion King, sports movies like The Sandlot & Rudy, to movies that would change my life and spirit forever like Indiana Jones & Star Wars…I can’t remember a time in my life where movies weren’t essential to my human experience.  I truly believe that the movies we love are like little windows into  our soul.  They reveal something about who we are as people, what attracts us, what excites us, or event what detests us.  They have the ability to make us cheer, scream in terror, or even be moved to tears.  More so I believe they are capable of revealing to us as an audience something we didn’t even recognize was there.  Its for all these reasons that I’ve decided to embark on this endeavor.  To start this blog where I will do my best to share my passion for film with those who care to read it.  I can’t think of a better exercise that will challenge me to broaden my scopes, push me to be vulnerable, and allow me to share my heart.  My goal will be to post at least once a week here (sometimes more, sometimes less) while mostly sticking to the following categories….

Recent Reviews

I usually try to make it out to the local movie theater at least a couple times a month to see something new.  Here I’ll write about those movies I see…what I liked, what I didn’t like, and maybe most importantly if I think it’s worth the trip to the theater to see it for yourself.

Favorites Revisited 

We all have our own personal lists of favorite movies.  The ones that we hold above all others for one reason or another.  Here I’ll go back to my own favorites and talk about why I love them, what I believe makes them so great, and why they mean so much to me.

Classic First Views 

Have you ever been among a group of friends and the subject of a particular movie comes up, everyone around you starts gushing about it, you then sheepishly admit that you haven’t seen it, then get the emotionally shocked response of, “HOW HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THAT?!?!”  I’ve been there.  I’m willing to bet we’ve all been there.  Well here is  where I’ll try to find those classic, beloved movies that I’ve for one reason or another missed out on.  I’ll write about what they are, why I had never got around to seeing it before this point, and ultimately what I thought about it and if it lived up to the hype.

Recommendations & Lists

One of my absolute favorite things to do with family and loved ones is sit down and show them a movie that I think they’ll love.  Often its one that has flown under the radar for one reason or another but is still a much needed viewing experience.  Another fun thing to do with friends has always been to debate movies.  What were the best movies this year?  Who’s the best batman of all time?  What’s the greatest movie franchise ever?  Here is where I’ll hope to do both things.  Recommend lesser known movies, and create my own personal lists that welcome debate and conversation.


As I said before I can think of no better subject than movies to push me to grow as a person and a writer.  I’m excited to get going and even more so to share this piece of me with any who care to look.  Thank you for reading and always remember….”Roads?  Where we’re going we don’t need….roads.”  🙂


Author: Matt's Movie Blog

I love movies. I love watching them, sharing them, and discussing them. Here is where I attempt to do all those things.

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